
Left Along Anxiety Part One

Dogs anxiety can be the lack of stimulation. I do not understand why anyone feeds their dog in a bowl. Dogs can be made to work for their food.  Placing hard dog food around the house and letting your dog sniff for it is a great way to feed them.  Putting the food in a bottle with the lid off or in a conge that they have to move around to get the food to come out is another good way.  Dogs need to chew and lick so having food to like on a licking matt is great way for your dog to get stimulation. Check out stuffing a bone.   Chewing a bone or licking yummy food like peanut butter or cheese from the bone or even a conge is a great activity for your dog.  Puzzle games where you put the food in a space and the dog has to move an object or push a button to get to the treat is another awesome way to give your dog stimulation.  Stuffed animals are a great toy for dog. Yes they can be messy. You can also get an animal shaped toy with a rope toy inside the object for you dog to chew on. 

Amazon #1 Dog Chew Toy

Amazon's Number 1 dog chew toy is a durable, fake, dog chew toy. Not only do these toys keep a dog busy, but their is no mess, and it helps to keep a dog's breath fresh. It is not easy for a dog to chew up these types of bones either. Therefore they are inexpensive and long lasting. Dip these bones in peanut butter, cheese, and other food items so your dog can have a lick-able and chewy treat.  🐶This is a good toy to keep in a  dog emergency box . 

Dog Thoughts Posters


ABC Of Dog Behaviors

  In ABA therapy, you want to look at a behavior and what brought about the behavior you don't want.  So you will break the behavior down to three parts easily remembered by "the ABC of behaviors." A stand for at antecedent or in other words, what happened before the behavior. (The dig was laying on the bed.) B stands for the behavior. When their was a knock at the door, (the dog started barking loudly and jumping around.) C stands for consequence. If no consequences or reward given, the behavior continues. If you reward this bad behavior you don't want, it will continue, as the dog has no clue you want a different behavior.  (Telling your dog to come to your side and reinforcing that behavior with a treat, praise, or clicker.)

Get Off The Couch!

  What is the best way to encourage pets to not sit or scratch on furniture or other places? Aluminum foil!  If your pet has made a home on a couch, chair, bed, or other area that you prefer he/she didn’t, cover in foil for a few days.  The sound irritates cats and dogs enough that it can be a great tool teach animals to stay off or out of where you do not want them. 🐕Wrap foil on seats, cushions, legs to discourage scratching or biting. 

Running Low On Chew Treats

  Today I was leaving and picking up all of Truffle's toys and tossing them into the bathroom before I left. I didn't have anything he could really chew on. As I was picking up a small bone, I thought about putting a dog treat inside. This would keep him busy until I got back. It worked!!!! I broke the treat in half, stuffed in the bone, and he loved trying to get the treat out!!!  Truffles has tried to get the inside of the treat out for a few days now. He is even trying to toss the bone in the air to see if the treat will come out.  🐕 I also put these treats in the Tire Toy so Truffles has to work to get the treat out. 

What Treats Reinforce Good Behaviors In A Dog

Treats that enforce good behavior in your dog really depends on your dog. We're taking about food treats. Some dog owners only use praise or a clicker for their dog's. Truffles is a very picky dog. He didn't like peanut butter or cheese. He didn't like the first three bags of dog treats I bought. I had to buy dog treats with at least three different flavors to find out what he likes. When we go for walks, Truffles could care less about treats and wants to sniff the bushes. I'm going to have to do a treat test so I know what he will eat too reinforce his good Behaviors while on walks. Basically. what I will do is put out several treats while the dog is in a different room. Then let him out and see what treat he like best. That treat will be my reinforcing treat for good behavior only when on walks.

Why Dog Owners Tell Their Dog "Good Boy!"

  Today I took truffles for a walk. It's the third time he's gone up and down the stairs. He waits for me and always stays to one side. Today, Truffles got excited hearing the kids and other dogs, and in a hurry went to the wrong side of the stairs. I stopped and didn't move. When Truffles went to the correct side I said, "Good Boy." Truffles understood it was good what he was doing. Then we preceded. While on walks we started playing the Stop and Go game. He is getting the hang of it really quickly. Now when we go up the stairs, I tell Truffles to stop and he waits nicely.  Both of these "cues" lets your dog know what you need them to do. The more you communicate with your dog what is good, the more you will get good behavior out of them. Once your dog knows what you want them to do, the less frustrated as a dog parent you are.  Praise the good behavior and ignore the bad behavior is a motto in the would of autism. 

Cancer Prevention Snack

  What is the best snack to keep cancer away from your dog? Carrots! People are juicing carrots and passing cancer insects. I know, cancer is an insect? My mother died from ovarian cancer so I've done extensive research. Cancer is a parasite. I didn't do a research where you collect the information, but you can always do your own research. A man was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and sent home to die. He started researching for holistic healing. A veterinarian called the man and told him to take dog deworming medication. The cancer disappeared. I researched several different dig deworming products and they were all derived from one substance, Sulphur. The bible calls it "brimstone."

I Saw A Flea! Help Me!

Worried about an infestation of fleas? Don't get to excited over seeing a flea, but if you start seeing them regular, start prevention. I have had success with a simple solution. Baking soda, salt, and peppermint oil. Mix all three ingredients together. Sprinkle on the carpet and wait an hour. Vacuum and in three days do it again. Every three days fleas last eggs! The theory of using this method is that the ingredients dry out the insects and kill them or repels them. After a week, the insects were gone. Truffles gets dusted with Diatomaceous Earth. Pick up a condiment bottle and fill with the product. When you squeeze the bottle, the product comes out. Then I just rub it in. I do this every few days. 🐕Diatomaceous Earth should not be breathed in through the lungs so spray in a well ventilated area. 🐕Make sure to clean bedding and sprinkle the solution on the bed. 🐕Make sure to treat your pet! 🐕 If out of control and you can't get a handle on the pest, you can purchase bug