I Saw A Flea! Help Me!

Worried about an infestation of fleas?

Don't get to excited over seeing a flea, but if you start seeing them regular, start prevention. I have had success with a simple solution.

Baking soda, salt, and peppermint oil.

Mix all three ingredients together. Sprinkle on the carpet and wait an hour. Vacuum and in three days do it again.

Every three days fleas last eggs!

The theory of using this method is that the ingredients dry out the insects and kill them or repels them.

After a week, the insects were gone.

Truffles gets dusted with Diatomaceous Earth. Pick up a condiment bottle and fill with the product. When you squeeze the bottle, the product comes out. Then I just rub it in. I do this every few days.

🐕Diatomaceous Earth should not be breathed in through the lungs so spray in a well ventilated area.

🐕Make sure to clean bedding and sprinkle the solution on the bed.

🐕Make sure to treat your pet!

🐕 If out of control and you can't get a handle on the pest, you can purchase bug defoggers. Let off in your home and leave with your pet for several hours. Not our favorite option, but sometimes you just have to.

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