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About US

  Dog B.O.N.E.S helps you change behaviors in your dog.  B ehaviors  O r  N aughty  E vents  S olved The therapy for autistic children, is the same therapy for dogs. The creator of Dog B.O.N.E.S used to be a certified Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) for children of autism. ABA is a lso called behavioral engineering, This is a scientific discipline that applies empirical approaches based upon the principles of respondent and operant conditioning to change behavior of social significance. The creator also holds a Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science. She has worked with children of autism, in level three and four children facilities, and with severely mentally impaired (SMI) adults. She may know a thing or two.  If you have an issue with your dog and need assistance, please email Truffles is our mascot and you can follow him on  TikTok.  Truffles is a Miniature German Schnauzer. His owner got him when he was about seven months old. He was a stray dog

Spa Time

Dogs like to be spoiled as much as you do!!! This great tip comes from Truffles friend Coco. Coco’s owner will say “Spa Time!” and Coco will put her paws on her chest and throw her head back. The owner then lays her on her back and rubs her arms, paws, feet belly etc. This is a great way to get your pup used to you touching them. You can also check for ticks and fleas at this time. It’s also a great time to brush your dog. Truffle’s hate it when his paws are touched and it makes it difficult to trim his nails. Truffles must be wrapped in a towel with one paw out to cut his nails. He still moves and wiggles. He gets a calming treat an hour before the grooming process begins. For a male dog like Truffles, I like to say it’s time for a rub down. Olive oil is put on his paws when they are dry and making sure there are no ticks between the pads of his feet. Some dogs like massagers that vibrate at a very low speed. If your dog is scared at first, just lay the unit around where the d

8 Ways To Keep Kids and Dogs Busy Together During The Holidays

  When you keep kids and dogs busy, you have less behaviors, and it saves your hair from falling out. This holiday keep kids, and dog busy, and keep your hair. Plastic Bottle:  Truffles loves it when his owner puts holes in a plastic bottle, throws in dog food, and lets him roll it around to get his dinner. Children can make these, with help on the holes, and decorate. Have them make several for your dog, so you have them on hand the entire year. Dog Treats: The kids can make your dog, special dog treats. (See our recipe below. ) Use cookie cutters that match the holiday season. Have the kids hide the special treats, that they made, all over the house for your dog to find.        1 Cup Peanut Butter. (Make sure that the peanut butter you use has only peanuts.)      1 Banana (Smashed and getting a bit old is good.)      Oats: (Make sure the oats only oats and no other ingredients. Grind the oats into a powder   to make homemade oat flour. Add to ingredients until you get a stic

Truffles On TikTok

We have the cutest videos of Truffles on TikTok . We show Truffles playing with toys from Bizzy Dog and helping to explain our articles on Dog B.O.N.E.S. We use Truffles for demonstrations for using the information on our blog. He also demonstrates toys for Bizzy Dog.  Truffles was with two other dogs that followed a mother's son home one day. The mom was single with six kids and give dogs already, so she could not keep Truffles.  Truffles owner was looking for a puppy and she found the cutest puppy. She had to figure out a name.  Truffles owner thought, well, he is a cute little snack so maybe name him some kind of food. She decided on Truffles the candy. Dr Cole, Truffle's vet says Truffles loves his name and he sure does.  Truffles is a pretty happy dog and love to meet new dogs, children, or people. He became a therapy pet for his owner as well.  Truffles is friend with Jay, (another Poochon), and Coco.  Check out truffles on TikTok

Why You Should Get Your Dog An Early Christmas Present

Holidays are for celebration and gatherings. Oftentimes people travel and stay at a friend's or family's homes. This can stress out, not only homeowners, but their pets as well. We have a couple of solutions to help your dog. Remember a Bizzy Dog   will stay out of trouble.  Always have a dog emergency box prepared for your dog. This box keeps your dog busy when you have an emergency and cannot interact with your dog much. Check out our article about Dog Emergency Boxes . Not only will you want extra, of your dog's favorite treats handy, but new fun toys as well.  If you buy a toy to use for Halloween or Thanksgiving, just put the toy up after everyone has gone home until Christmas. You do not want your dog getting bored with the toy before the next holiday and then not be interested. Sniff mats are a terrific way to not only keep your dog busy but rewarding them for being good or stuck in a room all day. One thing that is great about Sniff matts are that you can get them i

What Kind Of Dog Are You (Teens)

  Dogs are essentially furrier, cuter humans, and they have personalities, just like humans. So, what puppy personality represents you and your behaviors? Buzzfeed created a personality question list to have you answer so they can match up your behaviors with puppy behaviors. Check it out! You dog you!!!

Dog Meet Dog

Introducing a new dog to the family pack. Both dogs will become over stimulated from sniffing, nipping, and playing. Each dog get time away or space from the each other helps to lessen anxiety.  News dogs are not sure of the "rules." Their environment has changed and they need to learn a lot of new things to please the new owners.  The new dog is an intruder to your dogs territory, owner, hagiarchy. A new dog will change the environment structure, attention, and rules that will cause anxiety. Separate each dog at certain points of the day so that the n ew dog can learn their safe spot.  The old  dog needs a break and since of security and freedom from the new dog.  Eventually the dogs will work out who is in charge and the new rules for each dog. The dog owners will get to know both of the dogs behaviors around each other and stop any bad behaviors as they occur. 

Why Teach A Dog To Come To Your Side?

There are several benefits of teaching your dog to come to your side. One is when someone knocks at your door. You can stop your dog from barking by asking them to come to your side.  On walks it lets you dog know the side of your body you want them to walk on.  When going up stairs this is very useful. Dog and their own could become seriously hurt if they are not on the same page as to who is walking on what side of the stairs.  Start with the dogs name, then a command, and then a gesture. Once the dog gets gets the hang of what you want them to do, go to just the  command with gesture. Once your dog is good with just those two commands, just use the ge sture. A smart dog will pick up the commands in the first couple of days.  Any delays longer then two days, start at the beginning where you left off. Any delays a week or longer start back at the very beginning of the training. 🐕My hope with Truffles is eventually just give him hand signals and not have to give him commands.

Truffles Canine Malocclusion!

Canine malocclusion is an underbite in a dog’s teeth. Sometimes accompanied by erosion or trauma to teeth or tissue. Malocclusions are either skeletal or dental issues in origin, Veterinary dentists use technical nomenclature, like that preferred by the American Dental Veterinary College (ADVC), in making their diagnoses and considering treatment. Often the dog will be in pain but may not necessarily overtly show it. Watching out for acting “head-shy,” rubbing their head against the wall or with her paws, or demonstrating difficulty picking up or chewing food, Also, unusually bad breath or bloody drool may be another symptom. If a malocclusion involves teeth that are crowded together, a buildup of plaque can cause gingivitis or gum disease. If your dog is known for his quirky underbite like Truffles, it’s a good idea to seek medical advice. View Truffles Malocclusion on his TikTok Page.   

Left Alone Anxiety Part Three

Fourth of July, thunder storms, or the garbage truck on Monday will give your dog a lot of anxiety.  Put your dog in a closed room with music or the television on. This blocks out the sound but remember dogs can hear better than humans can. They can even her sounds we can't.  Giving your dog a stuffed animal so they don't feel alone can help as well. Probably will not work so good with big dogs.  Purchasing some calming dog treats or making your own may be the way to go. Make sure to test your dog to see if they work before the loud noise event will happen.  The last resort is Benadryl or anxiety medication. Benadryl and anxiety medication will make your dog sleepy but please talk to your vet before administering. 

Left Along Anxiety Part Two

Dogs can sometime think you are going to leave and never come back. Kids go threw this as well. A lot of times you can give a kid a key and tell them you can't go home without the key so the parent has to come back to get the key. Your dog can have the same anxiety.  When you have some time to train your dog, put them where you normally do when you leave. Wait five minutes and come back. Do this several times over and hour or two. Then the next time increase the leaving by 10 minutes. Work your way up to 20 etc.  This is like a kid you want to sleep in their own room. Have them lay on a blanket on the floor and every night move them closer and closet to the door until eventually they are in their room.  Just like weighted blankets and vest for kids with Autism, they have weighted vest. The weight acts like a tight hug and makes the kids-dogs feel safe and snuggled.