Why You Should Get Your Dog An Early Christmas Present

Holidays are for celebration and gatherings. Oftentimes people travel and stay at a friend's or family's homes. This can stress out, not only homeowners, but their pets as well. We have a couple of solutions to help your dog. Remember a Bizzy Dog  will stay out of trouble. 

Always have a dog emergency box prepared for your dog. This box keeps your dog busy when you have an emergency and cannot interact with your dog much. Check out our article about Dog Emergency Boxes. Not only will you want extra, of your dog's favorite treats handy, but new fun toys as well. 
If you buy a toy to use for Halloween or Thanksgiving, just put the toy up after everyone has gone home until Christmas. You do not want your dog getting bored with the toy before the next holiday and then not be interested.

Sniff mats are a terrific way to not only keep your dog busy but rewarding them for being good or stuck in a room all day. One thing that is great about Sniff matts are that you can get them in varied sizes.

If your dog does not have a ball tied to a suction cup to the floor, now is the perfect time for one.  Suction Tug of War Toy is great for your dog. They can tug to get the toy off the floor, to get the treat out, or chew on the ball. Either way it will keep your dog busy for quite a while. 

Puzzle Matt's can be fun as well. The best kind are ones you can continue to make harder for your dog. We love this toy because it has several different levels to make the toy harder for your dog. 

Does your small dog love the slide at the park? What about getting your dog a slide for inside the house this holiday season. 

Last and the most embarrassing of all. You do not want your dog humping your guest legs. This is an easy fix, believe it or not. Get your dog an oversized plush animal, which can be washed in your washing machine. Make sure to get needle and thread to sew after washing. Your dog will be biting the neck and pulling out the stuffing. It is part of how they mate.  When your dog is finished, just take the fluff and the plush animal, and toss in the washer. Let air dry and then stuff back inside the plush toy. Sew later when guest are gone. 

If your dog is having behaviors or anxiety from all the noise and guest. Check out our articles on anxiety.

We hope you have a Merry Christmas that is eventful but not over the top eventful. 

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