Dog Meet Dog

Introducing a new dog to the family pack.

Both dogs will become over stimulated from sniffing, nipping, and playing.

Each dog get time away or space from the each other helps to lessen anxiety. 

News dogs are not sure of the "rules." Their environment has changed and they need to learn a lot of new things to please the new owners. 

The new dog is an intruder to your dogs territory, owner, hagiarchy. A new dog will change the environment structure, attention, and rules that will cause anxiety.

Separate each dog at certain points of the day so that the new dog can learn their safe spot. 

The old dog needs a break and since of security and freedom from the new dog. 

Eventually the dogs will work out who is in charge and the new rules for each dog. The dog owners will get to know both of the dogs behaviors around each other and stop any bad behaviors as they occur. 

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