8 Ways To Keep Kids and Dogs Busy Together During The Holidays


When you keep kids and dogs busy, you have less behaviors, and it saves your hair from falling out. This holiday keep kids, and dog busy, and keep your hair.

Plastic Bottle: Truffles loves it when his owner puts holes in a plastic bottle, throws in dog food, and lets him roll it around to get his dinner. Children can make these, with help on the holes, and decorate. Have them make several for your dog, so you have them on hand the entire year.

Dog Treats: The kids can make your dog, special dog treats. (See our recipe below. ) Use cookie cutters that match the holiday season. Have the kids hide the special treats, that they made, all over the house for your dog to find. 

    1 Cup Peanut Butter. (Make sure that the peanut butter you use has only peanuts.)

    1 Banana (Smashed and getting a bit old is good.)

    Oats: (Make sure the oats only oats and no other ingredients. Grind the oats into a powder to make homemade oat flour. Add to ingredients until you get a sticky dough.)

    Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

    Roll out on a lightly floured surface and use a cookie cutter to make different shapes. Place on cookie   sheet. 

    Bake on 300F (150C) for 25 to 30 minutes.

    Treats need to be puffed up a bit, dry and dark brown on the  bottoms, (Will feel soft when first removed from the oven. The treats will get a bit more firm once they are cool.)

Sniff Mats: Kids can make
sniff mats for your dog in all different colors and sizes. Make sure they make several small ones for the emergency box. If the kids make dog treats, make sure to hide them in the sniff mat. Better yet, use the broken dog treats for the sniff mat.

Cup Game: Little visitors can play with your dog by getting three plastic cups. Placing one treat under a cup and mixing them up. Let the dog sniff to see if they find the treat. Old idea but still fun.

Braided Tug Toy: Out with the old clothes and in with the new. This is the best time to cut up old shirts to make sniff mats and braided tug toys for your dog. This will keep children cutting, braiding, and tying.

Crinkle Toy: Check out this
DIY Crinkle Toy, made with old socks, on Dog B.O.N.E.S. Behaviors. This dog toy involves sewing. Great for older kids to make.

Christmas Stocking: Felt Christmas Stockings are great for kids to make. You can cut out the stocking shape and purchase already made shapes. Have the kids glue on their favorite shapes and letters to make the dogs name. Don’t forget the glitter glue.

Sweet Potato Rope Toy: Great for visitors that will be staying long, but you will have to prep if the kids are young or can't wait for the potatoes to dry. Cut the sweet potatoes a quarter inch and punch a hole in the middle for the braded rope. Let dry for several days. Using one-to-two pieces of rope per strand, braid them together to make a thicker rope braid. Once you have a long braid, string on four sweet potato rings and make a knot above them. Add four more rings and then another knot to tie off the end of your rope. Have the kids hide the ropes for your dog to find.

Why You Should Get Your Dog An Early Christmas Presents.

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