
Showing posts with the label Treats

What Treats Reinforce Good Behaviors In A Dog

Treats that enforce good behavior in your dog really depends on your dog. We're taking about food treats. Some dog owners only use praise or a clicker for their dog's. Truffles is a very picky dog. He didn't like peanut butter or cheese. He didn't like the first three bags of dog treats I bought. I had to buy dog treats with at least three different flavors to find out what he likes. When we go for walks, Truffles could care less about treats and wants to sniff the bushes. I'm going to have to do a treat test so I know what he will eat too reinforce his good Behaviors while on walks. Basically. what I will do is put out several treats while the dog is in a different room. Then let him out and see what treat he like best. That treat will be my reinforcing treat for good behavior only when on walks.

Where Are The Treats?

I recently moved into a new community and everyone wanted to check out the new puppy Truffles. When we got to the dog park, several dogs came to the fence and were aggressive. One of the things I noticed is that no one had treats to reward their dog with good behaviors.   One dog owner said that his dog was “gate aggressive.” I asked him where the treats were to give to his dog. He stated he did not want to reward bad behavior. I agreed but stated when the dog moved from the fence and gave him the behavior he wanted, he then could give the dog a treat. He agreed. Please bring the treats and reward the behavior you want your dog to have. This is basic 101 dog training! * Gate aggression is also called barrier aggression. When this happens and your dog is leashed. Move the dog from the gate and when the dog calms down. Reward and tell the dog they are good. This lets your dog know that you like their behavior.  *Truffles did not like the treats I provided on the walk that day. He