
Showing posts with the label Dog gestures

Why Teach A Dog To Come To Your Side?

There are several benefits of teaching your dog to come to your side. One is when someone knocks at your door. You can stop your dog from barking by asking them to come to your side.  On walks it lets you dog know the side of your body you want them to walk on.  When going up stairs this is very useful. Dog and their own could become seriously hurt if they are not on the same page as to who is walking on what side of the stairs.  Start with the dogs name, then a command, and then a gesture. Once the dog gets gets the hang of what you want them to do, go to just the  command with gesture. Once your dog is good with just those two commands, just use the ge sture. A smart dog will pick up the commands in the first couple of days.  Any delays longer then two days, start at the beginning where you left off. Any delays a week or longer start back at the very beginning of the training. 🐕My hope with Truffles is eventually just give him hand signals and not have to give him commands.