
Showing posts with the label Dog Cues

Why Dog Owners Tell Their Dog "Good Boy!"

  Today I took truffles for a walk. It's the third time he's gone up and down the stairs. He waits for me and always stays to one side. Today, Truffles got excited hearing the kids and other dogs, and in a hurry went to the wrong side of the stairs. I stopped and didn't move. When Truffles went to the correct side I said, "Good Boy." Truffles understood it was good what he was doing. Then we preceded. While on walks we started playing the Stop and Go game. He is getting the hang of it really quickly. Now when we go up the stairs, I tell Truffles to stop and he waits nicely.  Both of these "cues" lets your dog know what you need them to do. The more you communicate with your dog what is good, the more you will get good behavior out of them. Once your dog knows what you want them to do, the less frustrated as a dog parent you are.  Praise the good behavior and ignore the bad behavior is a motto in the would of autism.