
Showing posts with the label ABA for dogs

Stop And Go

  Playing this game with autistic children was helpful for walks, stopping a child from running up the stairs, and stopping from running away from a parent or me! While going for a walk, you randomly day STOP. Make the child stop. When the child stopped you have praise. When ready to go you can say go or in a fun, cartoon way day, let's go! (Did anyone else hear Donald's or Goofy's voice? You can do the same thing with your dog. Then when you need your dog to stop, you can give the command. Once the dig gets the command try going to stay. Have your dog stay by giving a command and a have gesture. I put my hand out like saying stop. Eventually, I want to give had gestures to Truffles and not need to say a command. Now we know why ABA therapy is a lot of sign language. 🐕You don't have to train with food, you can train with praise. Dogs love praises and attention.